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Coaching and Other Services

Life Coaching

Many seek mentorship and guidance, but find that a therapist-client approach isn't right for them. For such people, I offer coaching as an option. The difference here is more than just a name. Coaching is partnership wherein both coach and client engage in a thought-provoking and creative process towards the fulfillment of client's personal and professional potential. In my work as a coach, I do not explore, diagnose or provide treatment for mental-health related issues, as life-coaching is NOT a mental-health service. Instead, I work to inspire motivation, creativity, success and personal growth. I work to help clients actualize their authentic self, understand and contextualize their own wholistic path, and integrate mind, body, spirit and relationships. This highly personalized work cuts past the day-to-day excuses that keep us small, and invites each client to move towards self-actualization for his/her own good and for the good of all.

Group Work

In conjunction with Emerging Harmony, Spirit of Sonora offers a variety of psychotherapy, coaching and experiential groups for people, not diagnoses. Such groups may include, but are not limited to men's groups, couples' groups, meditation groups, and processing groups. By offering these group opportunities, we aim to create communities of support and growth and foster an environment of safety and trust wherein clients and participants can challenge themselves, hold a mirror up for others, and dive into the collective healing energies unique to the group experience.


Breathwork is one of the most transformational processes I've engaged found. For this reason I have trained as a breathwork facilitator and offer it as a  compliment or alternative to therapy and coaching. In breathwork, participants practice intentional connected breathing that invites them to challenge themselves physically,  find trust in the wisdom of their own body and breath, and transcend the normal limitations of the mind. Breathwork may yield different results for different people, but the overall affects tend towards increased presence and peace, a quiet mind, connection to intuition and clarity in decision-making, and feelings of transcendence and connection. 


In the near future, Spirit of Sonora will be offering a variety of retreats as extensions to the work engaged in individual and group therapy and coaching. These retreats will be special events with details revealed as they arise.

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