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Counseling Approaches


Mood and Anxiety Disorders

Depression and anxiety are the most extensive and harmful pandemics plaguing humankind. Unfortunately, such suffering is quickly becoming the rule, not the exception. If you are suffering from symptoms of depression or anxiety, please know that you are not alone. There are very real and achievable choices you can make to help bring you out of such dark places and put you on a path to a more whole, joyful, authentic life. 

Trauma Grief and Loss

For many, the experiences of trauma, loss and grief are unbearably painful. These experiences can either defeat and define us, or they can be a painful but necessary teacher. Often in the pain of trauma and loss, the meaning and growth can be nearly impossible to see. For this reason, counseling is so often an essential part of trauma recovery and of fully grieving loss. If you have experienced such difficulty, and have been debating if you should seek help through these transitions, please do yourself the kindness and reach out.


Non-Traditional Relationship Dynamics

We are experiencing dramatic shifts in our perception of romance and sexual relationships. Non-traditional relationship dynamics, including LGBTQ+ concerns as well as relationships that don't fit into traditional monogamous approaches (i.e. polyamory, etc) are becoming more common, but are often not well-understood. Some struggle to define their true values in terms of sexuality and relationships amidst confusing cultural influences. For those struggling to understand themselves in these ways, I offer a non-judgmental container for exploration, as well as techniques and to navigate these uncharted waters. 

Religious Transitioning and Spiritual Abuse

When the religious or spiritual system that one has dedicated themselves to no longer serves a person's needs, particularly painful grief and disillusionment occur. This problem is compounded in instances of spiritual abuse by formerly trusted leaders or community members. The results of such situations can be catastrophic when people are left deal with this fallout on their own. If you have experienced such life-altering grief and trauma, I offer you an empathetic space to explore and release the pain of the loss and begin to find a new understanding of meaning and purpose as your rebuild..


Transpersonal and Spiritual Development

Regardless of the nature of these and other difficult life transitions, It is my belief that a person cannot walk far down a healing path, without addressing issues of spirituality and meaning. We seem to be programmed by nature towards trying to understand who we are, what the purpose of our lives are, and how we can live life to its fullest. I provide no answers to these questions, but through exploration of the transpersonal and spiritual dimension of the human experience, clients can come into the present moment, find the inner space of connection, and begin developing their own maps of meaning. 

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